Thursday, October 23, 2008's newest video campaign is not so funny...

I suppose that the intent of MoveOn.Org's newest video blaming you individually for Obama's (hopefully) fictional loss by your nonvote is to be as scary as someone who believes their vote doesn't count. However, I found it totally disturbing and upsetting.

And it did get my attention...

Maybe the second time around I saw a little humour in it.

Boy, I'd hate to be that person who gets blamed for not Baracking the vote.

Send it to your friends and freak them out by personalizing it with their names... This should help get out the vote.


Becky said...

OMG that is the scariest thing I have ever seen! Screw Halloween, THIS IS SCARY!

Sorry I didn't comment sooner, I was crying in the fetal position under my desk...

Jennifer said...

I got this too and at first I really didn't think I liked it. But then when the old lady called "me" a ********** (you know what I mean, there!) I couldn't help it and started giggling. (Loved the church welcome sign, too! HA!)

Shannon said...

I'm glad I didn't send it to you then :)

After some initial shock, I thought it was pretty funny...though I've yet to send it on to anyone!

amy said...

hey jennifer,
i didn't even notice that old lady until the second time i saw it and she was pretty funny... i think the first time i was with becky in fetal position under my desk! ;)

amy said...

shannon--i thought it was funny after watching it a few times, but the first time freaked me out something serious.

amy said...

becks--totally with you on that. scary, no? watch a few more times and you'll develop a tolerance and maybe even think it's sorta funny...