Monday, June 08, 2009

if a blog falls in a forest...

Yesterday's NY Times had a piece in the Sunday Styles section about the multitudes of blogs started lovingly and then left cruely abandoned in the vast ethers of the WWW to just fester and mold away, creating ghost towns of outdated personal information that nobody will ever peruse.

But then, one of the kids was in the middle of tattling on someone else at the moment I started the article and then there was screaming for some reason or another so I abandoned the piece, but it got me thinking about how so many people I know dropped their blogs for tweets (twits?) and about how bad I've been about blogging lately.

The truth is, I've just been totally busy, but in all that busyness, I haven't really had much to write about, either. I guess I've been a bit down about this not working thing--a reliable source tells me that I did the exact same thing last summer, too--and have felt totally uninterested in adding my blahs to the moldy blogs already on the Internets.

Or maybe I just needed a little break. But either way, I'm back. For now.


Unknown said...

Yeah! I am very happy that you are back! I miss you and your blog-ie!

Unknown said...

Hurray! Glad you're back. Every night I look for you....

Myra Ashkenazy said...


Please do not stop your blog. We love it. You are a great writer and the pictures are great. Love, Myra and Moty

Safta said...

I love your writing, and would miss your blog terribly if you quit!!!

Becky said...

I know first hand how hard it is to keep it going... but don't stop! I heart you and more...
and like Paul, I look everyday, sometimes a few times a day to see if you posted.
Stay with me Amy...

bathmate said...

it really very good.
I love it !
I like it !
thanks :)- .
