Monday, January 19, 2009

two days in a row to make a person feel uncharacteristically patriotic...

"Hey Mama," Talia asks me. "What do you think Martin Luther King would say about BarackObama being president tomorrow?" In our house, Barack Obama has become one word.

"I think he'd be pretty proud of him. What do you think?

"I think he'd be so happy and proud of him, his eyes would get all wet and he'd cry like you did at my Oneg," Talia says.

I laugh. "I think you're probably right."

"I think BarackObama planned to become president so close to Martin Luther King's birthday. He's got real good timing, don't you think?"

"Yup," I tell her. "Tomorrow couldn't be a better day for him to become our president."



Anonymous said...

It has been a long journey for improvements on civil rights and equality, and with Obama being sworn in, the civil rights movement have come full circle since the "I have a dream speech". I hope Obama can concentrate on increasing jobs, advancing education, and the decreasing of our dependence on fossil fuels.

Becky said...

TODAY! What a wonderful day!